There are a series of steps you’ll want to follow if a customer’s membership is not working as intended.
- First, confirm if the customer has successfully purchased the correct membership. To do this, you’ll need to inspect the customer’s profile in Mariana Tek.
- When changing your MT pricing page titles be sure to update your VOD integration title
- Secondly, confirm the Mariana Tek membership title matches the VOD membership integration at your VOD integrations tab.
- Once the first two steps are complete ask the customer to log out then log back in.
- Finally, if the customer has the correct membership, and VOD admin has the corresponding membership and the customer still cannot access content please contact us at
Sometimes users cant access VOD because:
- On a shared device and logged in as another user without a VOD membership
- Logged in before the integration for was added and VOD hasn’t had a chance to recognize their active membership at login (VOD checks for valid membership at login)