Embed a Brandbot signup Form on your website to attract new subscribers and boost engagement.
In this article we’ll show you how to easily add an embeded a Brandbot Form on your website!
Here are some things to know before you begin this process.
After personalizing your integrated Form, Brandbot will generate a code for you. Simply insert this code into the backend of your web page where you intend to display the Form. Whenever you make modifications to your integrated Form and Re-Publish the code will automatically reflect these changes. To refresh your integrated Form, copy the new code and substitute it for the previous one on your website. If you are proficient in HTML, you also have the option to manually adjust the code to match your organization’s specific style and branding.
After you’ve customized your embedded Form, you’ll need to generate the Form’s code.
To generate the Form’s code, follow these steps.
Note: embedded Forms inherit your website's stylesheet, so the Form may look different in Brandbot than it does on your website. Want to customize your button? Copy the CSS below and place it between <style> </style> tags on your website or in your custom CSS area. button#bb_submit { padding: [input value]; background: [input value]; border: [input value]; border-radius: [input value]; font-size: [input value]; }
Most third-party website platforms make it easy to embed Brandbot signup Forms. Check your website provider’s support page for guidance if your platform isn’t listed here.
Depending on your website platform, manual changes to the Form’s code may be required. For support reach out to hello@ipstudio.co
Click here to see an embedded Brandbot form