IPSTUDIO Partners with Xplor Mariana Tek for Gamification Integration

A New Era of Fitness Engagement

We are thrilled to announce our exciting partnership with Xplor Mariana Tek, a leading platform in the fitness industry. Together, we are set to revolutionize how fitness enthusiasts engage with their goals by integrating advanced gamification features into the Xplor Growth hub. This collaboration marks a significant milestone in our journey to enhance user experiences through innovative and interactive solutions.

Unleashing the Power of Gamification

At IPSTUDIO, we believe in the power of gamification to transform ordinary fitness routines into extraordinary experiences. By partnering with Xplor Mariana Tek, we aim to bring a new level of motivation and engagement to their users. Our core gamification features, including challenges, leaderboards, milestones, streaks, and activity maps, will be seamlessly integrated into the Xplor Growth hub, creating a dynamic and rewarding environment for fitness enthusiasts.

Challenges: Users can participate in various fitness challenges tailored to their goals and preferences. These challenges are designed to keep users motivated and engaged, pushing them to achieve new heights in their fitness journey.

Leaderboards: The introduction of leaderboards will foster a sense of friendly competition among users. They can track their progress and see how they stack up against others, inspiring them to push harder and stay committed to their fitness goals.

Milestones: Celebrating milestones is a crucial aspect of maintaining motivation. Our gamification features will highlight users’ achievements, providing them with a sense of accomplishment and encouraging them to set and achieve new fitness milestones.

Streaks: Consistency is key in any fitness journey. With our streaks feature, users will be rewarded for maintaining regular workout routines. This feature will help users build healthy habits and stay dedicated to their fitness regimen.

Activity Map: The activity map will provide users with a visual representation of their fitness journey. It will showcase their progress, achievements, and areas of improvement, allowing them to have a comprehensive view of their fitness activities.

IPSTUDIO: A Legacy of Innovation

Since launching our gamification product in 2020, IPSTUDIO has been at the forefront of innovation in the fitness industry. We have continuously researched and developed our features to best meet the needs of fitness consumers. Our dedication to creating engaging and effective solutions has driven us to refine and expand our gamification offerings, ensuring that users have access to the most motivating and enjoyable fitness experiences possible.

Collaborating with Xplor Product Team

Our partnership with Xplor Mariana Tek goes beyond just integrating features. We are working closely with the Xplor product team to continuously enhance the product’s style, integration, features, and usability. Our goal is to ensure that the gamification elements are not just add-ons but are seamlessly woven into the fabric of the Xplor Growth hub, providing a cohesive and intuitive user experience.

Together, we are committed to pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the fitness industry. By combining our expertise in gamification with Xplor Mariana Tek’s robust platform, we are poised to deliver a fitness experience that is engaging, motivating, and above all, fun.

Looking Ahead

As we embark on this exciting journey with Xplor Mariana Tek, we are eager to see the positive impact our gamification features will have on users’ fitness journeys. This partnership represents a significant step forward in our mission to make fitness more engaging and rewarding for everyone.

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to innovate and enhance the Xplor Growth hub with cutting-edge gamification features. Together, we are transforming the fitness landscape, one challenge, milestone, and streak at a time.

For more information about our gamification features and partnership with Xplor Mariana Tek, visit our website at ipstudio.co.

We look forward to continuing this journey with Xplor Mariana Tek and empowering fitness enthusiasts worldwide with the tools they need to achieve their goals. Thank you for being a part of this exciting adventure!


How to Use ChatGPT for Copywriting for Your Boutique Fitness Studio Website and Newsletters

How to Use ChatGPT for Copywriting for Your Boutique Fitness Studio Website and Newsletters

In the competitive world of boutique fitness studios, effective copywriting is essential for standing out and attracting clients. Whether for your website or newsletters, the right words can inspire action, foster community, and build loyalty. Leveraging ChatGPT for copywriting can streamline the process, offering fresh, engaging, and professional content. Here’s a guide on how to do it effectively.

Understanding Your Audience

Before diving into copywriting, it’s crucial to identify your target audience. Are they fitness enthusiasts, beginners, or people seeking a healthy lifestyle change? Understanding their needs, preferences, and pain points helps craft messages that resonate and motivate.

Setting the Right Tone and Style

Your brand voice should reflect your studio’s personality. Is it friendly, professional, motivational, or energetic? Maintaining a consistent tone across your website and newsletters builds a recognizable brand identity. ChatGPT can help ensure this consistency by generating content in your chosen style.

Website Copywriting

1. Homepage: First Impressions Matter

Headline: Create a compelling headline that instantly grabs attention.

Subheadline: Follow with a subheadline that highlights your unique selling points (USPs).

Body: Provide an engaging overview of your studio, services, and what makes you unique.

Call to Action (CTA): Encourage visitors to take action, whether it’s booking a trial class, signing up for a newsletter, or following on social media.


"Transform Your Body and Mind at [Your Studio Name]"

"Join Our Community of Fitness Enthusiasts and Achieve Your Goals with Expert Guidance and Support."

"At [Your Studio Name], we believe in a holistic approach to fitness. Our certified trainers are here to guide you every step of the way, whether you're a beginner or a seasoned athlete. Experience the difference with our personalized workout plans, diverse class offerings, and state-of-the-art facilities."

"Book Your Free Trial Class Today!"

Request Example:

"ChatGPT, can you generate a compelling headline, subheadline, body text, and a call to action for the homepage of my boutique fitness studio? The focus should be on transforming the body and mind, highlighting our expert guidance and supportive community."

2. Service Pages: Detail Your Offerings

Describe Each Class or Service: Clearly describe each class or service, highlighting benefits and what participants can expect.


**Yoga Classes:**
"Our Yoga Flow classes are designed to enhance flexibility, balance, and mindfulness. Suitable for all levels, these sessions integrate breathing exercises, postures, and relaxation techniques to help you find your inner peace and physical strength."

"Join a Yoga Flow Class Today!"

Request Example:

"ChatGPT, can you write a detailed description and call to action for our Yoga Flow classes? Highlight how they enhance flexibility, balance, and mindfulness, and mention that they are suitable for all levels."

3. About Us: Share Your Story

Connect with Your Audience: Use this section to connect with your audience on a personal level by sharing the story behind your studio, your mission, and your team.


"Founded in [Year], [Your Studio Name] was born out of a passion for fitness and community. Our mission is to provide a supportive and inclusive environment where everyone can achieve their fitness goals. Meet our team of certified trainers who are dedicated to guiding you on your fitness journey."

Request Example:

"ChatGPT, can you create an 'About Us' section for our boutique fitness studio? Include our founding year, our mission to provide a supportive and inclusive environment, and an introduction to our team of certified trainers."


1. Plan and Organize

Identify Topics: Review past newsletters to identify topics that can be expanded into full blog posts. Look for evergreen content, tips, guides, industry news, and success stories.

Create a Content Calendar: Organize the identified topics into a content calendar to maintain a consistent posting schedule and ensure a steady flow of fresh content.

Request Example:

"ChatGPT, can you help me create a content calendar for our blog by identifying topics from our past newsletters that can be expanded into full blog posts?"

2. Optimize for SEO

Keyword Research: Perform keyword research to identify relevant keywords and phrases for each blog post.

Incorporate Keywords Naturally: Integrate the identified keywords naturally into your blog post, focusing on including them in the title, headers, meta descriptions, and throughout the content without keyword stuffing.

Use Internal and External Links: Include internal links to other relevant blog posts on your site and external links to authoritative sources to enhance the credibility of your content and improve SEO.

Request Example:

"ChatGPT, can you suggest keywords for a blog post about '5 Tips for Staying Motivated in Your Fitness Journey'? Also, how should I incorporate these keywords naturally throughout the post?"

3. Expand and Enhance Content

Add More Details: Expand on the information provided in the newsletter by including additional data, insights, and examples.

Use Visuals: Incorporate visuals like images, infographics, and videos to make the blog post more engaging and digestible.

Optimize for Readability: Use short paragraphs, bullet points, and subheadings to improve readability.

Request Example:

"ChatGPT, can you help me expand a newsletter topic on '5 Tips for Staying Motivated in Your Fitness Journey' into a detailed blog post? Include additional data, insights, and examples."

4. Promote Your Blog Posts

Share on Social Media: Promote your repurposed blog posts on social media platforms to drive traffic back to your website.

Include in Future Newsletters: Feature your blog posts in future email newsletters, providing a brief summary and a link to the full post to encourage subscribers to visit your site.

Engage with Your Audience: Encourage readers to leave comments and share their thoughts on your blog posts to foster a sense of community and loyalty.

Request Example:

"ChatGPT, can you draft a social media post promoting our latest blog post on '5 Tips for Staying Motivated in Your Fitness Journey'? Include a compelling headline and a brief summary."


Effective copywriting is crucial for attracting and retaining clients at your boutique fitness studio. By leveraging ChatGPT, you can create engaging, professional, and persuasive content for your website and newsletters, ensuring your messages resonate with your audience and inspire action. Whether you’re crafting a compelling homepage, detailing your services, or planning your next newsletter, ChatGPT can be a valuable tool in your copywriting arsenal.

To get started head to: https://chat.openai.com/

Demystifying DMARC Policies: Enhancing Email Security with Precision

In the digital age, email has become a cornerstone of communication, both personally and professionally. However, with the convenience and ubiquity of email comes a host of security challenges, chief among them being email spoofing and phishing attacks. To combat these threats, organizations are turning to DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) policies. In this blog post, we’ll delve into what DMARC policies are, why they’re needed, and provide examples to illustrate their importance.

Understanding DMARC Policies:

DMARC is an email authentication protocol that builds on two existing mechanisms: SPF (Sender Policy Framework) and DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail). SPF allows senders to specify which IP addresses are authorized to send emails on behalf of a domain, while DKIM adds a digital signature to emails, verifying their authenticity.

DMARC goes a step further by providing a framework for receivers (mail servers) to determine how to handle emails that fail SPF and DKIM checks. It allows domain owners to publish policies instructing receivers on how to handle such emails, whether to deliver them, quarantine them, or reject them outright.

Why DMARC is Needed:

  1. Preventing Email Spoofing: Email spoofing involves forging the sender’s address to make it appear as if the email originated from a trusted source. DMARC helps prevent this by allowing domain owners to specify strict policies for email authentication.
  2. Combatting Phishing Attacks: Phishing emails often impersonate legitimate entities to trick recipients into divulging sensitive information or downloading malicious content. DMARC helps identify and block these fraudulent emails, thereby safeguarding users against phishing attacks.
  3. Enhancing Email Deliverability: By implementing DMARC policies, organizations can improve their email deliverability rates. ISPs (Internet Service Providers) and email providers are more likely to deliver emails from domains with properly configured DMARC records, reducing the risk of legitimate emails being marked as spam.

Examples of DMARC Policies in Action:

  1. Reject Policy: A domain owner sets a DMARC policy to “reject,” instructing receivers to reject any emails that fail both SPF and DKIM checks. This ensures that only authenticated emails from authorized senders are delivered to recipients.
  2. Quarantine Policy: In a quarantine policy, emails that fail authentication checks are diverted to the recipient’s spam or quarantine folder rather than being outright rejected. This provides an additional layer of protection while allowing recipients to review potentially suspicious emails.
  3. Monitoring Policy: Some domain owners initially opt for a “monitoring” policy, where DMARC reports are generated and sent to the specified email address without taking any action on failing emails. This allows organizations to assess the impact of implementing DMARC before enforcing stricter policies.

Example DMARC Policies:

Reject Policy:

 v=DMARC1; p=reject; rua=mailto:dmarc@example.com; ruf=mailto:dmarc@example.com; fo=1; pct=100; aspf=r; adkim=r


  • v=DMARC1: Indicates the DMARC version being used.
  • p=reject: Instructs receivers to reject any emails that fail both SPF and DKIM checks.
  • rua=mailto:dmarc@example.com: Specifies the email address where aggregate DMARC reports should be sent.
  • ruf=mailto:dmarc@example.com: Specifies the email address where forensic DMARC reports should be sent.
  • fo=1: Indicates that forensic reports should be generated if the DMARC policy fails.
  • pct=100: Specifies that the DMARC policy should be applied to 100% of emails.
  • aspf=r: Specifies relaxed alignment mode for SPF.
  • adkim=r: Specifies relaxed alignment mode for DKIM.

Quarantine Policy:

 v=DMARC1; p=quarantine; rua=mailto:dmarc@example.com; ruf=mailto:dmarc@example.com; fo=1; pct=100; aspf=r; adkim=r


  • p=quarantine: Instructs receivers to quarantine emails that fail authentication checks by diverting them to the recipient’s spam or quarantine folder.
  • Other parameters remain the same as in the “Reject Policy” example.

Monitoring Policy:

 v=DMARC1; p=none; rua=mailto:dmarc@example.com; ruf=mailto:dmarc@example.com; fo=1; pct=100; aspf=r; adkim=r


  • p=none: Specifies that no action should be taken on failing emails. This is typically used for monitoring purposes.
  • Other parameters remain the same as in the previous examples.

Minimum Policy:

v=DMARC1; p=none; rua=mailto:dmarc@example.com


  • p=none: This tag sets the DMARC policy to “none,” which means no specific action will be taken on emails that fail the DMARC checks. Instead of rejecting or quarantining these emails, the policy instructs email receivers to generate and send DMARC reports to the domain owner without enforcing any strict action on the failed emails.
  • Other parameters remain the same as in the previous examples.

These sample DMARC policies demonstrate how domain owners can configure DMARC to enforce different levels of email authentication and handling based on their security requirements and risk tolerance.


In an era where cyber threats continue to evolve, securing email communication is paramount for organizations of all sizes. DMARC policies serve as a powerful tool in the fight against email fraud, offering granular control over email authentication and helping protect both senders and recipients from malicious activities. By understanding and implementing DMARC policies effectively, organizations can bolster their email security posture and foster trust among their stakeholders in an increasingly digital world.

🚀V4 On Demand by IPSTUDIO™

Introducing V4 On Demand by IPSTUDIO™ – the ultimate solution for fitness studios looking to streamline their video on demand (VOD) experience and administration. Our innovative platform integrates seamlessly with Mariana Tek, Mindbody and Stripe making it easier than ever to manage and distribute your fitness focused VOD content.

With V4 On Demand, fitness studios can now enjoy a faster and more efficient VOD experience. Our platform allows you to easily upload and organize your content, so you can quickly find and distribute the videos you need. Plus, with our intuitive user interface, you’ll be able to navigate and manage your VOD library with ease.

But V4 On Demand is more than just a VOD management tool – it’s also a powerful marketing tool that can help you grow your business. Our platform allows you to create custom categories, so you can target specific members or class types.

And with our integration with Mariana Tek and Mindbody, you can easily connect your VOD library to your existing member management systems, which makes it easier for you to manage your VOD platform.

Our platform also allows for easy access to your VOD content on all devices with our responsive design and includes casting to Smart TVs like Google Chromecast and Apple TV. Whether your members are watching on a desktop, tablet, or mobile device, they’ll be able to access your VOD library with ease.

In addition, with our built-in payment gateway, you can easily charge members for access to your VOD content, which can help you generate new revenue streams for your business.

Overall, V4 On Demand is the perfect solution for fitness studios looking to streamline their VOD experience and generate new revenue streams. With our innovative platform, you’ll be able to create a better user experience for your members, and grow your business at the same time. So why wait? Sign up for V4 On Demand today and start enjoying the benefits of an easier, faster, and better VOD experience!

Get in touch today for a demo at hello@ipstudio.co

Branded Web, why you should use it with MindBody

We see it all the time, a prominent local studio with a website that sends customers to a separate website for booking. When sending customers to a separate site for booking you lose on the ability to track, monitor and maintain engagement along with up-selling opportunities. It’s literally sending your customer to a third party for a service you offer. Not cool in 2022!

For years now MindBody has offered Branded Web (formerly called healcode) as a built in service. With Branded Web you can keep customers on site for things like account access, schedule booking and sales right on your website, with a branded experience.

In its basic form Branded Web looks okay, and works well. With IPSTUDIO design and development we can make Branded Web look and feel native to your website, an experience any site visitor would appreciate.

Branded Web Login

Allow your customers to login into MindBody right on your own website.

Branded Web Schedule

Allow your customers to book a class via MindBody right on your own website.

Branded Web Pricing

Allow your customers to purchase studio services through MindBody right on your own website.

At IPSTUDIO we’ve got the knoweldge and experinece to turn your off-site booking, purchase and account experience into an on-site experience that is on brand, easy to access and delightful for your customers. Get in touch today to see how IPSTUDIO can upgrade your website’s MindBody integration experience.

Ready to get started? Contact us at hello@ipstudio.co

Top 3 CRMs in Boutique Fitness 

Fitness has evolved over the decades. It is no longer about big box brands and racking up the weights. As boutique fitness continues to evolve wellness brands are turning towards boutique fitness focused software services to streamline and simplify both in studio and online experiences.

We’ve made this short list based on the number of fitness brands being serviced and the product offerings.  


This wellness service company has witnessed exponential growth across the world servicing over 130 countries and over 50,000 wellness, fitness businesses globally. As a boutique fitness software titan, MindBody earns a spot on every fitness software list.


  • A plethora of APIs for client’s website
    • Build custom experiences and solutions using the MindBody API
  • Intuitive UI for customers
    • The Mindbody fitness app for customers is relatively intuitive and easy to use. Fitness enthusiasts can peruse the options in nearby areas for different classes offered by fitness boutiques and book them online.
  • Dedicated suite for Marketing
    • Marketing is the backbone of future and flourishing businesses. You have to stay ahead of the curve to beat the competition. Mindbody offers a range of marketing tools to increase reach and acquire customers through various media channels. 


  • Unreliable software updates
    • Business owners often complain about the updates to the app, that break payment gateways and more. It results in loss of business, lower customer retention and more.
  • Slow customer support
    • Todays customers need answers, fast. With MindBody having tens of thousands of customers to manage their customer support is often lackluster.

Mariana Tek

Built by boutique fitness industry veterans, Mariana Tek ticks all the right boxes when it comes to fitness boutique CRMs. From their best-in-class mobile app, to streamlined booking flow, Mariana Tek is in a league of their own. This company packs a major punch and offers top notch service and support.


  • Maximize Revenue Generation
    • From a seamless booking flow to their award winning mobile app, Mariana Tek’s platform is sure to increase conversions and boost revenue. Veering revenue upwards is one the primary goal of any business and Mariana Tek facilitates that with their software.
  • Seamless Mobile App
    • Beautifully designed, seamlessly built the Mariana Tek iOS and Android experiences are by far the best in the boutique fitness industry. Packed with a customizable area where your own integrations can fit, to advanced notification alerts, the Mariana Tek app is second to none.
  • Easy to Switch
    • It is not too late if you are discovering Mariana Tek. Migrate to Mariana Tek easily with the assistance of onboard dedicated migration specialist and easy to use tools. Hit the road with little down-time for your business with dedicated customer support. 
  • API + Support
    • Having experienced API development across the boutique fitness landscape, there is no better platform than Mariana Tek to work with. From their dedicated integrations team to technical support and developer documentation, everything is on point.


  • Slightly more expensive than competition
    • You get what you pay for, right?


An industry vet and global service provider, Zingfit’s boutique software product lays particular emphasis on the backend aspects of running a successful fitness boutique. 


  • Spot Scheduling
    • Online spot scheduling allows customers to book a particular space in class, equipment like one specific treadmill, mat, bench amongst other things from their app in advance. They don’t need to wait or arrive early to secure a spot.  
  • Instructor Management
    • Build your instructor’s schedule with Zingfit’s tools and manage instructor schedules with ease. Identify your star instructors by enabling ratings for them, whom the customers enjoy the most. Your best instructors are the face of the business. They help increase footfall in the long-run through positive word of mouth alone. 
  • Multi-Studio
    • Zingfit’s multi-studio configuration enables customers to manage several fitness studios from one administrator panel. Business owners would not need to shuffle between multiple dashboards for different studios. 


  • No API available
    • No custom API development resources or integrations are currently available. Achieving customized experiences isn’t possible with Zingfit. 

Bottom Line

To sum it up, choosing the right boutique fitness software for your business requires a clear assessment of your needs, objectives and budget. If it were up to us, we’d choose Mariana Tek every time.