Shopify Sync

Sync your Shopify & Mariana Tek inventories in just a couple clicks. The days of manually managing inventories between Shopify & Mariana Tek are over.


Mariana Tek




One Click Install, Two-Way Sync


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Built to make inventory management a breeze

Shopify Sync was built to make managing inventories across multiple platforms a breeze. Real-time product inventory syncing from Mariana Tek to Shopify and vice versa.

One click install

A super simple user interface makes getting setup and running Sync by IPSTUDIOTM easy. Sync some or all of your Mariana Tek + Shopify products in couple clicks.

Details simplified

View inventory syncing details in the apps's dashboard, showcasing all products being synced, their inventory amount and the date and time of last sync. Livestream URL URL where your customers will join this livestream class.

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