IPSTUDIO Partners with Xplor Mariana Tek for Gamification Integration

A New Era of Fitness Engagement

We are thrilled to announce our exciting partnership with Xplor Mariana Tek, a leading platform in the fitness industry. Together, we are set to revolutionize how fitness enthusiasts engage with their goals by integrating advanced gamification features into the Xplor Growth hub. This collaboration marks a significant milestone in our journey to enhance user experiences through innovative and interactive solutions.

Unleashing the Power of Gamification

At IPSTUDIO, we believe in the power of gamification to transform ordinary fitness routines into extraordinary experiences. By partnering with Xplor Mariana Tek, we aim to bring a new level of motivation and engagement to their users. Our core gamification features, including challenges, leaderboards, milestones, streaks, and activity maps, will be seamlessly integrated into the Xplor Growth hub, creating a dynamic and rewarding environment for fitness enthusiasts.

Challenges: Users can participate in various fitness challenges tailored to their goals and preferences. These challenges are designed to keep users motivated and engaged, pushing them to achieve new heights in their fitness journey.

Leaderboards: The introduction of leaderboards will foster a sense of friendly competition among users. They can track their progress and see how they stack up against others, inspiring them to push harder and stay committed to their fitness goals.

Milestones: Celebrating milestones is a crucial aspect of maintaining motivation. Our gamification features will highlight users’ achievements, providing them with a sense of accomplishment and encouraging them to set and achieve new fitness milestones.

Streaks: Consistency is key in any fitness journey. With our streaks feature, users will be rewarded for maintaining regular workout routines. This feature will help users build healthy habits and stay dedicated to their fitness regimen.

Activity Map: The activity map will provide users with a visual representation of their fitness journey. It will showcase their progress, achievements, and areas of improvement, allowing them to have a comprehensive view of their fitness activities.

IPSTUDIO: A Legacy of Innovation

Since launching our gamification product in 2020, IPSTUDIO has been at the forefront of innovation in the fitness industry. We have continuously researched and developed our features to best meet the needs of fitness consumers. Our dedication to creating engaging and effective solutions has driven us to refine and expand our gamification offerings, ensuring that users have access to the most motivating and enjoyable fitness experiences possible.

Collaborating with Xplor Product Team

Our partnership with Xplor Mariana Tek goes beyond just integrating features. We are working closely with the Xplor product team to continuously enhance the product’s style, integration, features, and usability. Our goal is to ensure that the gamification elements are not just add-ons but are seamlessly woven into the fabric of the Xplor Growth hub, providing a cohesive and intuitive user experience.

Together, we are committed to pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the fitness industry. By combining our expertise in gamification with Xplor Mariana Tek’s robust platform, we are poised to deliver a fitness experience that is engaging, motivating, and above all, fun.

Looking Ahead

As we embark on this exciting journey with Xplor Mariana Tek, we are eager to see the positive impact our gamification features will have on users’ fitness journeys. This partnership represents a significant step forward in our mission to make fitness more engaging and rewarding for everyone.

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to innovate and enhance the Xplor Growth hub with cutting-edge gamification features. Together, we are transforming the fitness landscape, one challenge, milestone, and streak at a time.

For more information about our gamification features and partnership with Xplor Mariana Tek, visit our website at ipstudio.co.

We look forward to continuing this journey with Xplor Mariana Tek and empowering fitness enthusiasts worldwide with the tools they need to achieve their goals. Thank you for being a part of this exciting adventure!


How to Use ChatGPT for Copywriting for Your Boutique Fitness Studio Website and Newsletters

How to Use ChatGPT for Copywriting for Your Boutique Fitness Studio Website and Newsletters

In the competitive world of boutique fitness studios, effective copywriting is essential for standing out and attracting clients. Whether for your website or newsletters, the right words can inspire action, foster community, and build loyalty. Leveraging ChatGPT for copywriting can streamline the process, offering fresh, engaging, and professional content. Here’s a guide on how to do it effectively.

Understanding Your Audience

Before diving into copywriting, it’s crucial to identify your target audience. Are they fitness enthusiasts, beginners, or people seeking a healthy lifestyle change? Understanding their needs, preferences, and pain points helps craft messages that resonate and motivate.

Setting the Right Tone and Style

Your brand voice should reflect your studio’s personality. Is it friendly, professional, motivational, or energetic? Maintaining a consistent tone across your website and newsletters builds a recognizable brand identity. ChatGPT can help ensure this consistency by generating content in your chosen style.

Website Copywriting

1. Homepage: First Impressions Matter

Headline: Create a compelling headline that instantly grabs attention.

Subheadline: Follow with a subheadline that highlights your unique selling points (USPs).

Body: Provide an engaging overview of your studio, services, and what makes you unique.

Call to Action (CTA): Encourage visitors to take action, whether it’s booking a trial class, signing up for a newsletter, or following on social media.


"Transform Your Body and Mind at [Your Studio Name]"

"Join Our Community of Fitness Enthusiasts and Achieve Your Goals with Expert Guidance and Support."

"At [Your Studio Name], we believe in a holistic approach to fitness. Our certified trainers are here to guide you every step of the way, whether you're a beginner or a seasoned athlete. Experience the difference with our personalized workout plans, diverse class offerings, and state-of-the-art facilities."

"Book Your Free Trial Class Today!"

Request Example:

"ChatGPT, can you generate a compelling headline, subheadline, body text, and a call to action for the homepage of my boutique fitness studio? The focus should be on transforming the body and mind, highlighting our expert guidance and supportive community."

2. Service Pages: Detail Your Offerings

Describe Each Class or Service: Clearly describe each class or service, highlighting benefits and what participants can expect.


**Yoga Classes:**
"Our Yoga Flow classes are designed to enhance flexibility, balance, and mindfulness. Suitable for all levels, these sessions integrate breathing exercises, postures, and relaxation techniques to help you find your inner peace and physical strength."

"Join a Yoga Flow Class Today!"

Request Example:

"ChatGPT, can you write a detailed description and call to action for our Yoga Flow classes? Highlight how they enhance flexibility, balance, and mindfulness, and mention that they are suitable for all levels."

3. About Us: Share Your Story

Connect with Your Audience: Use this section to connect with your audience on a personal level by sharing the story behind your studio, your mission, and your team.


"Founded in [Year], [Your Studio Name] was born out of a passion for fitness and community. Our mission is to provide a supportive and inclusive environment where everyone can achieve their fitness goals. Meet our team of certified trainers who are dedicated to guiding you on your fitness journey."

Request Example:

"ChatGPT, can you create an 'About Us' section for our boutique fitness studio? Include our founding year, our mission to provide a supportive and inclusive environment, and an introduction to our team of certified trainers."


1. Plan and Organize

Identify Topics: Review past newsletters to identify topics that can be expanded into full blog posts. Look for evergreen content, tips, guides, industry news, and success stories.

Create a Content Calendar: Organize the identified topics into a content calendar to maintain a consistent posting schedule and ensure a steady flow of fresh content.

Request Example:

"ChatGPT, can you help me create a content calendar for our blog by identifying topics from our past newsletters that can be expanded into full blog posts?"

2. Optimize for SEO

Keyword Research: Perform keyword research to identify relevant keywords and phrases for each blog post.

Incorporate Keywords Naturally: Integrate the identified keywords naturally into your blog post, focusing on including them in the title, headers, meta descriptions, and throughout the content without keyword stuffing.

Use Internal and External Links: Include internal links to other relevant blog posts on your site and external links to authoritative sources to enhance the credibility of your content and improve SEO.

Request Example:

"ChatGPT, can you suggest keywords for a blog post about '5 Tips for Staying Motivated in Your Fitness Journey'? Also, how should I incorporate these keywords naturally throughout the post?"

3. Expand and Enhance Content

Add More Details: Expand on the information provided in the newsletter by including additional data, insights, and examples.

Use Visuals: Incorporate visuals like images, infographics, and videos to make the blog post more engaging and digestible.

Optimize for Readability: Use short paragraphs, bullet points, and subheadings to improve readability.

Request Example:

"ChatGPT, can you help me expand a newsletter topic on '5 Tips for Staying Motivated in Your Fitness Journey' into a detailed blog post? Include additional data, insights, and examples."

4. Promote Your Blog Posts

Share on Social Media: Promote your repurposed blog posts on social media platforms to drive traffic back to your website.

Include in Future Newsletters: Feature your blog posts in future email newsletters, providing a brief summary and a link to the full post to encourage subscribers to visit your site.

Engage with Your Audience: Encourage readers to leave comments and share their thoughts on your blog posts to foster a sense of community and loyalty.

Request Example:

"ChatGPT, can you draft a social media post promoting our latest blog post on '5 Tips for Staying Motivated in Your Fitness Journey'? Include a compelling headline and a brief summary."


Effective copywriting is crucial for attracting and retaining clients at your boutique fitness studio. By leveraging ChatGPT, you can create engaging, professional, and persuasive content for your website and newsletters, ensuring your messages resonate with your audience and inspire action. Whether you’re crafting a compelling homepage, detailing your services, or planning your next newsletter, ChatGPT can be a valuable tool in your copywriting arsenal.

To get started head to: https://chat.openai.com/

Embedding Brandbot Forms

Embed a Brandbot signup Form on your website to attract new subscribers and boost engagement.

In this article we’ll show you how to easily add an embeded a Brandbot Form on your website!

Before you start

Here are some things to know before you begin this process.

  • This article tells you how to generate an embed code and add it to your website. You’ll need to create your embedded sign up Form first. To learn more check out How do I create a new Form?
  • Use Auto-Messages to setup response emails before you embed the Form.
  • To prevent fake signups, enable reCAPTCHA confirmation for your Form in the Form Builder area.
  • Embedding Forms is a feature recommended for users familiar with custom coding. Contact hello@ipstudio.co if you need assistance.

How it works

After personalizing your integrated Form, Brandbot will generate a code for you. Simply insert this code into the backend of your web page where you intend to display the Form. Whenever you make modifications to your integrated Form and Re-Publish the code will automatically reflect these changes. To refresh your integrated Form, copy the new code and substitute it for the previous one on your website. If you are proficient in HTML, you also have the option to manually adjust the code to match your organization’s specific style and branding.

Generate embedded Form code

After you’ve customized your embedded Form, you’ll need to generate the Form’s code.

To generate the Form’s code, follow these steps.

  1. Click Apps then click Forms
  2. Select your from the list
  3. Select Embed
  4. Click Copy Code or Email my Developer
  5. Paste the code into your website where you want it to appear.
Note: embedded Forms inherit your website's stylesheet, so the Form may look different in Brandbot than it does on your website. Want to customize your button? Copy the CSS below and place it between <style> </style> tags on your website or in your custom CSS area. 

button#bb_submit {
    padding: [input value];
    background: [input value];
    border: [input value];
    border-radius: [input value];
    font-size: [input value];

Add Form to third-party website

Most third-party website platforms make it easy to embed Brandbot signup Forms. Check your website provider’s support page for guidance if your platform isn’t listed here.

Depending on your website platform, manual changes to the Form’s code may be required. For support reach out to hello@ipstudio.co

Check out our embedded Brandbot Form

Click here to see an embedded Brandbot form

IPSTUDIO’s Digital Transformation Service

Is your current website platform holding your business back? Do you feel limited by the features, flexibility and scalability of your website? IPSTUDIO understands the challenges businesses face with their online presence and is here to help. Our digital transformation service can help your business overcome these limitations and provide a seamless migration to a new platform that is tailored to your business needs.

Recently, IPSTUDIO successfully migrated ISI® Elite Training from Wix to WordPress, hosted on a virtual private server. This migration has allowed ISI® Elite Training to take advantage of the many benefits that come with a WordPress platform and has allowed them to achieve more flexibility, scalability and cost savings.

Wix is a popular website builder, but it can limit a business’s growth due to its limitations in terms of features, flexibility and scalability. WordPress, on the other hand, is an open-source content management system that offers a wide range of features and is highly flexible and scalable. By hosting WordPress on a virtual private server, businesses can enjoy even more control over their website and can tailor their website to their specific business needs.

The migration process was smooth and seamless, with no downtime for the ISI® Elite Training website. IPSTUDIO’s experienced team of developers and designers worked closely with ISI® Elite Training to ensure that the new website was tailored to their specific needs and reflected their brand image.

One of the biggest benefits of the migration was the cost savings. Hosting a website on a virtual private server provides a fast, safe and affordable solution. This allowed ISI® Elite Training to reduce their monthly website hosting costs while still enjoying all the benefits of a powerful and flexible platform.

The new WordPress website is now more flexible and scalable, allowing ISI® Elite Training to expand their online presence and reach a larger audience. With WordPress, they can now add new pages and features to their website with ease, allowing them to grow their business and reach their goals.

IPSTUDIO’s digital transformation service is not limited to just website migrations. We can help businesses with a wide range of digital transformation services, from website design and development to digital marketing and e-commerce solutions. Our team of experts will work closely with you to understand your business needs and provide a tailored solution that will help your business succeed online.

In conclusion, IPSTUDIO’s digital transformation service is the perfect solution for businesses that are looking to take their online presence to the next level. Whether you are looking to migrate to a new platform, improve your website design, or expand your online presence, IPSTUDIO has the expertise and experience to help. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your business succeed online.


🚀V4 On Demand by IPSTUDIO™

Introducing V4 On Demand by IPSTUDIO™ – the ultimate solution for fitness studios looking to streamline their video on demand (VOD) experience and administration. Our innovative platform integrates seamlessly with Mariana Tek, Mindbody and Stripe making it easier than ever to manage and distribute your fitness focused VOD content.

With V4 On Demand, fitness studios can now enjoy a faster and more efficient VOD experience. Our platform allows you to easily upload and organize your content, so you can quickly find and distribute the videos you need. Plus, with our intuitive user interface, you’ll be able to navigate and manage your VOD library with ease.

But V4 On Demand is more than just a VOD management tool – it’s also a powerful marketing tool that can help you grow your business. Our platform allows you to create custom categories, so you can target specific members or class types.

And with our integration with Mariana Tek and Mindbody, you can easily connect your VOD library to your existing member management systems, which makes it easier for you to manage your VOD platform.

Our platform also allows for easy access to your VOD content on all devices with our responsive design and includes casting to Smart TVs like Google Chromecast and Apple TV. Whether your members are watching on a desktop, tablet, or mobile device, they’ll be able to access your VOD library with ease.

In addition, with our built-in payment gateway, you can easily charge members for access to your VOD content, which can help you generate new revenue streams for your business.

Overall, V4 On Demand is the perfect solution for fitness studios looking to streamline their VOD experience and generate new revenue streams. With our innovative platform, you’ll be able to create a better user experience for your members, and grow your business at the same time. So why wait? Sign up for V4 On Demand today and start enjoying the benefits of an easier, faster, and better VOD experience!

Get in touch today for a demo at hello@ipstudio.co

Branded Web, why you should use it with MindBody

We see it all the time, a prominent local studio with a website that sends customers to a separate website for booking. When sending customers to a separate site for booking you lose on the ability to track, monitor and maintain engagement along with up-selling opportunities. It’s literally sending your customer to a third party for a service you offer. Not cool in 2022!

For years now MindBody has offered Branded Web (formerly called healcode) as a built in service. With Branded Web you can keep customers on site for things like account access, schedule booking and sales right on your website, with a branded experience.

In its basic form Branded Web looks okay, and works well. With IPSTUDIO design and development we can make Branded Web look and feel native to your website, an experience any site visitor would appreciate.

Branded Web Login

Allow your customers to login into MindBody right on your own website.

Branded Web Schedule

Allow your customers to book a class via MindBody right on your own website.

Branded Web Pricing

Allow your customers to purchase studio services through MindBody right on your own website.

At IPSTUDIO we’ve got the knoweldge and experinece to turn your off-site booking, purchase and account experience into an on-site experience that is on brand, easy to access and delightful for your customers. Get in touch today to see how IPSTUDIO can upgrade your website’s MindBody integration experience.

Ready to get started? Contact us at hello@ipstudio.co

Top 3 CRMs in Boutique Fitness 

Fitness has evolved over the decades. It is no longer about big box brands and racking up the weights. As boutique fitness continues to evolve wellness brands are turning towards boutique fitness focused software services to streamline and simplify both in studio and online experiences.

We’ve made this short list based on the number of fitness brands being serviced and the product offerings.  


This wellness service company has witnessed exponential growth across the world servicing over 130 countries and over 50,000 wellness, fitness businesses globally. As a boutique fitness software titan, MindBody earns a spot on every fitness software list.


  • A plethora of APIs for client’s website
    • Build custom experiences and solutions using the MindBody API
  • Intuitive UI for customers
    • The Mindbody fitness app for customers is relatively intuitive and easy to use. Fitness enthusiasts can peruse the options in nearby areas for different classes offered by fitness boutiques and book them online.
  • Dedicated suite for Marketing
    • Marketing is the backbone of future and flourishing businesses. You have to stay ahead of the curve to beat the competition. Mindbody offers a range of marketing tools to increase reach and acquire customers through various media channels. 


  • Unreliable software updates
    • Business owners often complain about the updates to the app, that break payment gateways and more. It results in loss of business, lower customer retention and more.
  • Slow customer support
    • Todays customers need answers, fast. With MindBody having tens of thousands of customers to manage their customer support is often lackluster.

Mariana Tek

Built by boutique fitness industry veterans, Mariana Tek ticks all the right boxes when it comes to fitness boutique CRMs. From their best-in-class mobile app, to streamlined booking flow, Mariana Tek is in a league of their own. This company packs a major punch and offers top notch service and support.


  • Maximize Revenue Generation
    • From a seamless booking flow to their award winning mobile app, Mariana Tek’s platform is sure to increase conversions and boost revenue. Veering revenue upwards is one the primary goal of any business and Mariana Tek facilitates that with their software.
  • Seamless Mobile App
    • Beautifully designed, seamlessly built the Mariana Tek iOS and Android experiences are by far the best in the boutique fitness industry. Packed with a customizable area where your own integrations can fit, to advanced notification alerts, the Mariana Tek app is second to none.
  • Easy to Switch
    • It is not too late if you are discovering Mariana Tek. Migrate to Mariana Tek easily with the assistance of onboard dedicated migration specialist and easy to use tools. Hit the road with little down-time for your business with dedicated customer support. 
  • API + Support
    • Having experienced API development across the boutique fitness landscape, there is no better platform than Mariana Tek to work with. From their dedicated integrations team to technical support and developer documentation, everything is on point.


  • Slightly more expensive than competition
    • You get what you pay for, right?


An industry vet and global service provider, Zingfit’s boutique software product lays particular emphasis on the backend aspects of running a successful fitness boutique. 


  • Spot Scheduling
    • Online spot scheduling allows customers to book a particular space in class, equipment like one specific treadmill, mat, bench amongst other things from their app in advance. They don’t need to wait or arrive early to secure a spot.  
  • Instructor Management
    • Build your instructor’s schedule with Zingfit’s tools and manage instructor schedules with ease. Identify your star instructors by enabling ratings for them, whom the customers enjoy the most. Your best instructors are the face of the business. They help increase footfall in the long-run through positive word of mouth alone. 
  • Multi-Studio
    • Zingfit’s multi-studio configuration enables customers to manage several fitness studios from one administrator panel. Business owners would not need to shuffle between multiple dashboards for different studios. 


  • No API available
    • No custom API development resources or integrations are currently available. Achieving customized experiences isn’t possible with Zingfit. 

Bottom Line

To sum it up, choosing the right boutique fitness software for your business requires a clear assessment of your needs, objectives and budget. If it were up to us, we’d choose Mariana Tek every time.

Introducing Live by IPSTUDIO™ x Zoom

Now in the Zoom marketplace!

Add to ZOOM

At IPSTUDIO we believe in the power of the fitness community and the owners & operators who make boutique fitness possible. We’re beyond proud and excited about the release of our new Live by IPSTUDIO™ x Zoom integration that helps studio owners & operators do more in less time so that they can focus on what matters most, their clients and studio. By connecting Zoom to Mariana Tek IPSTUDIO helps bridge the gap between Zoom and Mariana Tek making event creation and meeting distribution possible in seconds. 

From manual to automated in minutes

A super simple user interface makes getting setup and running Live by IPSTUDIO easy, quick and effective. Live by IPSTUDIO™ x Zoom integration helps bridge the gap between Zoom and Mariana Tek making event creation and meeting distribution possible in seconds

Integrated with Mariana Tek

Live by IPSTUDIO™ creates and injects Zoom meetings into your Mariana Tek Livestream schedule. The days of manually managing Zoom URLs is over. 

Zoom meetings securely delivered

Registered attendees will get an email with the Zoom link 30 minutes before class. Links are delivered with a password embedded to help attendees get in easily and securely.e

Get in touch today!

The State of Live & On-Demand Video For Boutique Fitness

Published March 23, 2020

The demand for wellness and fitness products/services has grown ten-fold in the last decade. with the advent of new exercise modalities, a societal desire to experience the process of self-improvement with friends & family, and the existence of software that can streamline the experience —  boutique fitness has consistently shown that it’s in a renaissance period.

Where Are We Now?

With the arrival of the coronavirus (covid-19), the fitness industry has been forced to adapt, while the anxiety of changing times looms. once again, clients are resorting to home-based, individualized workouts to get their daily burn in. All of a sudden, it feels like years of progress towards the establishment of the brick & mortar boutique fitness industry is in jeopardy. With headline after headline highlighting that the future of fitness has changed  — business owners have been forced to think outside the box on how they’ll continue to serve clients in a new world.

Luckily for owners, fitness has had a cohesive relationship with the digital world in recent times. with the most expensive real estate in the world now existing in the palm of our hands, and a client-base that already spends a significant amount of time there — it’s clear that success lies in becoming a tech-enabled business. and management teams have done just that, with heavy investments in the production and distribution of video content via a branded website/social media to capitalize on clients’ sustained desire for fitness consumption. 

At IPSTUDIO, we’ve witnessed the use of a multitude of platforms to do so, and the results have been encouraging to say the least. studios have been able to successfully reconnect with their clients via live streams or on-demand libraries through platforms such as: zoom, instagram, facebook, zype, and vimeo. It’s been really amazing to see the level of client engagement studios have been able to maintain through such mediums, and to see a clear path for their future.

However, these mediums of distribution have not come without their downsides. the digital real estate and share-ability these platforms provide, comes with the challenge of monetization. live streams via social media simply can’t be monetized, and streams hosted via zoom require instillation and can be shared freely amongst those looking for a free viewing. on top of this, none of these solutions offer a native integration with a cms, booking platform, or business management software built for boutique fitness.

The Way Forward

To solve this problem, we created Live by IPSTUDIO™ & On Demand by IPSTUDIO™.

Live & on-demand video solutions built specifically for boutique fitness. these products exist as end-to-end integrations that allow clients to buy, book, and view content/streams all without having to leave a studio’s website.

With the primary benefit of this being that all attendees will need to login using their credentials with the studio’s booking platform, and will need to have purchased access to the content/stream to participate. studios will now have the flexibility to share links to live streams & on-demand content freely, without having to worry if viewers are paying customers or not. On the on-demand front, users will get to browse, view, and favorite content in a modern video library. studios can now return to offering credits & memberships for services through their website, and once again can track activity & purchases through their booking platform’s reporting module. Digital content will also remain compatible with classpass, and other class-based distribution networks. 

We quietly rolled out the first versions of these integration products over the past week, and the amount of positive feedback we’ve received so far has been substantial. turnaround time with the setup process has also been kept low, and since our soft release last week we’ve already launched a double digit number of studios.

If you are a studio owner (or affiliated with a studio leadership team) looking to integrate digital video into a booking software, we encourage you to reach out to ipstudio at hello@ipstudio.co for help. we’re taking a long-term approach to these services.

Based on all indications, most studio’s we’ve worked with view the emergence of digital offerings not only as a long-term solution, but as a viable stream of revenue for the years to come.

Free & Affordable Tools for Studios New to Live & On-Demand Content Creation

The topic of fitness studios using Live and On-Demand offerings to reignite revenue streams needs no introduction. Yet, with professionals services costing an arm and a leg, and the need for on-going production, most studios have no choice but to take a DIY approach to introduce content of their own. So we’ve put together this brief guide, to help studios that are stumped on how to do this.

Before kicking off the daunting task of turning your fitness studio into a movie studio, there are a number of considerations that need to be made across both hardware & software, and the endless number of options on the market. Luckily for you, we’ve taken the liberty of distilling your options down to an affordable list of equipment and free software so you can get back to what you do best 💪.

🚨 Disclaimer: This is a round up of simple out-of-the-box solutions we’ve seen studios use. If you’re seeking a professional audio-visual setup through the use of soundboards, streaming encoders, audio press boxes, or multi-angle broadcasts, we recommend consulting a specialist.

Affordable Equipment

  • We’ve seen Logitech’s line of webcams really fulfill the need for a crisp HD stream for computer based streaming. Hard to go wrong with this specific model that has been in and out of stock since COVID-19 arrived.
  • The Zoom Q2n-4K Handy Video Recorder can be found in stock with many different audio & visual equipment distributors, and is a cheap and reliable camera for studio streaming. The camera comes with a pretty solid built in microphone which should cover your ambient audio needs depending on your studio environment. To connect this to a computer as a webcam you’ll need to grab a quality HDMI cord and HDMI to USB-C converter (or HDMI to USB depending on your computer). Such an implementation will allow you to also connect any other cameras you have laying around that support an HDMI connection (Such as a DSLR).  
  • While not the most affordable option in terms of relativity, the Mevo Camera is growing in popularity as an out-of-the -box camera for streaming beginners. Worth taking a look if it’s in the budget, and you are new to the space.
  • It’s hard to shoot a crisp class session without proper lighting, and therefor we highly recommend getting your hands on a proper studio light or ample natural light. There’s no need to feel required to obtain a specific model, some lighting is better than no lighting.
  • For those looking to produce professional on-demand content, it can’t be done without a headset microphone. Without one, you’ll fall victim to diction-less, across-the-room audio, that errodes the value of so many great on-demand workouts that exist on the market today. This is a great option for those looking to get there hands on an affordable wireless option. 
  • Finally, if you’re truly strapped for cash, you can’t go wrong using an iPhone. Arguably the best camera on the market for such a price point, and allows you to shoot all the way up to 4k at 60fps (However, we recommend shooting video at 1080p and 30 frames per second to keep your file sizes more manageable).  By ensuring that you shoot in studio lighting or natural light, you’ll be sure to achieve a quality product.

Free Software

  • iMovie for Mac is hands down the best options for any post-production that does not require special effects. From cutting/pasting, to audio/visual overlays, to basic color correction- these softwares are a one-stop-shop for video post-production. Simply export with a reasonable file size, and you’ll be ready to upload your content into a video hosting platform of your choosing.
  • Streamlabs is a great open source resource for studios seeking a branded streaming experience (and have the bandwidth to manage it).  It’s a great tool for live streams that feature multiple angles, branded overlays, and additional features. Checkout their site to see more info than we could ever include here.
  • Fiverr is a digital marketplace for sourcing micro gigs, especially in regards to video services such as branded intros, outros, and graphics/music. Overall, many of the services on Fiverr can be used to provide end users with a branded viewing experienced.

With any solution you pursuit, it’s imperative that there is a strategy in place for monetizing through your primary booking platform – your user experience and customer satisfaction depends on it. 

This is where IPSTUDIO can help. If you’re interested in an integrated approach to live and on-demand video, contact us today at hello@ipstudio.co.